Manifesting 101: Feelings Not Required

For whatever reason while on my morning walk a former colleague popped into my mind.  A quick perusal down memory lane gave rise to a stunning – in terms of manifefsting goals – realization

While feelings can help the process they are not necessary to achieve the goal.

A Story to Illustrate

Hey, I’m an author

As I thought of the toxic environment we worked in

Though he was in a different department

Another thought came to mind

I deserved better.

I knew I did.

As I mentally examined the memories including the LAVC I managed

Though I didn’t have the title or salary to match the work I was doing

I gained clarity on the thought I deserved better.

I really did believe it in spite of the fact I didn’t feel it.  

Or maybe in this situation belief is feeling.

Before continuing I will point out a few realities

  • The environment I was working in was incredibly toxic
  • I was significantly underpaid for the work I was doing
  • While some of my colleagues treated me with great respect, others were resentful and/or disrespectful

Even as I put up with a lot I knew I deserved better.

I didn’t think about it or try to tell myself this was true, I just knew.

I didn’t have many opportunities to see examples of women being treated fairly or with respect. 

I saw female colleagues in senior positions treated with the same disrespect and consistently saw women making significantly less for doing the same exact work a male counterpart was doing.

In spite of this I knew I deserved better.

Knowledge = Feelings?

In terms of potential action yes.

Even though my feelings were on the side of the spectrum associated with low self-esteem and self-doubt I acted from the belief I deserved better.

Or maybe it was boredom.

It got to a point where I tuned out the noise around me and set about finding tasks that challenged me.

Working in tech there’s always an opportunity for this, a good part of the reason I enjoyed that industry.

  • I self-taught the skills necessary for managing the LAVC

Which earned my colleagues’ gratitude since they no longer had to.

  • I self-taught hardware and software skills.

Building computers from spare parts in an old closet full of “junk” which earned my colleagues’ gratitude since I cleaned it out over a weekend. **

  • I volunteered to test new hardware and software

Which gained the gratitude of contacts in the corporate divisions I was later able to tap for help with customers.

My efforts got the attention of a top sales rep.

Had all sorts of awards  in his cubicle.

He began asking me to do various tasks for his customers.

Helping me gain experience.

One Fateful Day

Burned in memory.

This rep who became a mentor asked if I would be willing to go to a customer to do a NIC installation.

NIC = Network Interface Card.

I was one of the few who knew network interoperability – both hardware and software – for multiple operating systems, including competitor systems.

Thanks to all that work I’d been doing on my own time – working lunchtimes, nights, and weekends for months upon months.

I went on what turned out to be one of the most terrifying yet most successful professional experiences of my life.

An entire college class crammed into 5 or so hours.

Turning Point

After colleagues realized I could go on customer visits to do hardware and software installations

And complex tasks on production systems without bringing them down

I was tagged for numerous projects ranging from cusomter visits to writing the answers for high-level proposals.

Those contacts I made in the divisions were always happy to help validate my answers before the proposal was turned over to the customer.

You Scratch My Back

My involving division peeps in real customer wins meant their review scores went up.

As did their post-review raises.

My division experiences went from “Who are you and why am I talking to you?” to “Hey, Elizabeth, would you be willing to test…?”

And so it went that my knowledge I deserved better spurred actions that enabled me to manifest my goal of becoming a senior technology consultant.

I even advised then GM CEO, Rick Wagoner.

Who silenced a competitor in a meeting so he could listen to my counsel – a personal career high point.

What I came to understand from my morning musings is even if you don’t feel emotions associated with manifested goals you can still attain the goal.

Apparently, actions speak loudest of all.

** I had the company CEO come upon me one Friday – after work hours when all my colleagues had bailed – many by 2pm – to find me building a computer from spare parts and altering it so it supported the latest OS.

In spite of the fact my kluged computer was several generations earlier.

I didn’t know it was the CEO.  

We had a great conversation and years later – after I was finally given the title – I was recoginized by him – for something else entirely – in the company newspaper.

Note: I got a new manager who appreciated my attitude and approach and began sending me to formalized training including a grad course at Carnegie Mellon – another career high point. I went on to gain a number of certifications and have a tremendously successful career as a tech consulant.

Manifesting 101: Time to Travel

In his book I’m Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams I am I am I am Thomas Pauley suggests adding the line (paraphrasing here) It is seeking me as I am seeking it when writing your goals.

The idea being what you want is attracting you as you are attracting it.  

I recently saw this in action.

As a novelist one of the first decisions I make after deciding on a plot and the characters is setting.  As part of my selection process I take into consideration whether or not I’ve been to the area I’m considering.

If not then I consisder whether I’ve been to a place close or in some other way similar location.

In the case of my Dragon Core series it wasn’t just deciding between Seattle and New Orleans it was deciding on the setting within the setting.

I lived in New Orleans but so long ago I didn’t feel I could do it justice.

When it came to Aesop’s Cove I had the perfect location in mind as a “stand-in.”

I planned on having it as a place I could go work at so I could really soak up the vibe for the story.

Excited to have this ironed out I went with hubby for a celebratory lunch only to learn we’d shown up on the last day.

I remember staring at the waitress in shock as she told me they were going out of business.


What are the chances?

She brought the boss over after I explained why we were there.  He was polite but strained.

No wonder.

Though I was ready to go forward with the story I knew I had to find a suitable place as a stand-in for Aesop’s.

To serve as a place to go when I needed an energy tune-up during times of writing fatigue.

Weeks turned to months and I could not find a suitable location.

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Waterfront

For a variety of reasons including serious career burnout I took time off from writing.

A lot of time.

During this time I focused on self-care.

lot of walking.

As I walked I sorted through challenges, mysteries, and solutions to those mysteries.

Many of those mysteries related to manifesting goals.

What I didn’t do was focus on the challenge of finding a suitable location to be a stand-in for such an important plot element.

I just kept walking and “not” thinking.

One day I decided to try to get a bit of work done.  At the time I was more thrilled with the idea I’d be able to do a bit of writing than where. As a result I gave little thought before slipping into a local haunt and sitting down to work.


It had been some time since I’d been there.

Thank you Covid lockdown.

On some of these occasions I struck up conversations with visitors either local or not.  While I occasionally mentioned what I was doing more often than not I just enjoyed listening to their stories.

I love hearing people’s stories.

I continued this trend and came to see the location was becoming key in my recovery from burnout.

Likely because while I was working there I didn’t associate it with work.

I associated it with relaxing and the opportunity for spontaneous conversation.

I tuned into the music playing, the conversations.

Conversations that took my mind off my troubles.

And then it hit me.  I’d found my Aesop’s.

It only took about a year of not looking for it.

On a recent walk I pondered the mystery of how this happened.  I’d been in that place before burnout and never considered it a suitable stand-in for the Cove.  No sooner had that thought surfaced then Pauley’s words came to mind.

It is seeking me as I am seeking it.

During the time away from writing due to events beyond anyone’s control the place underwent a shift.

Thank you Covid shutdown.

I came to understand that as I was changing through my focus on self-care and health and wellness the location and its employees were also changing.  By the time I circled back around it had become what I needed.

The Lesson  

If only I had changed or only that location had changed it’s doubtful I would have found it to be a suitable stand-in.  It’s because we were both pulling mutual energy for the same or similar goal that I was able to manifest what I needed.

One of the bigger changes was that they wanted to be more than just a place to hangout.  They wanted to serve their diverse customers’ needs in ways I feel is friendlier.

Warmer, more inviting.

More like how I pictured Aesop’s Cove.

In coming to understand this need for transformtive change not just in myself but in some other aspect of the goal I found myself relaxing about a key element in the manifestation game.


I’m more relaxed about how long the goal may take to manifest because I now truly understand it won’t til things are in place.

And that may take time.

Author Fav’s – Mike Gilotti

I invite readers and visitors to enjoy this excerpt from Redemption – a Dragon Core tale.

With commentary.

Devi’s Diner, New York

The bell over the door jangled as Homicide Detective Mike Gilotti stepped through.  Nodding to the cook he glanced around, noted that, as hoped, the place was relatively empty.  A mom and her two kids sat at a booth close to the door while a regular by the name of Jackson nursed a beer at the counter near the kitchen.  Two seats down a guy who would have been at home in the NFL was eating a burger.  Waiving off the waiter who’d been on break he made his way toward a booth in the far corner.

“Hey Detective.  Your usual?”

“I have a usual?” he fired back; his New York accent thick.

Kyle smirked.  “You have two, actually.  Black or bitter.”

“It’s bitter tonight,” he came back referring to beer instead of java.  “I’m off for the next two days.”

“Anything to eat?”


“You cheatin’ on us, Detective?” the waiter teased.  “Eating drive-thru?”

“I was on a stake-out junior.”

“I knew it.  Drive-thru.”  He shook his head.  “You know we do doggie bags.”  He tapped the table.  “Be right back with your beer.”

Author Commentary

Detective Mike Gilotti has been one of my favorite characters.  

An amalgum of a variety of relatives either blood or through marriage he has been a lot of fun to work with as he acts as an outside view into the world those he loves and strives to protect.

What makes it particularly fun is how he not only accepts everything – in great part from his upbringing and professional experience – but draws the community he’s a part of into it.

As evidenced in this scene.

I look forward to his continuing role in the Dragon Core series.

Stay tuned.

New Feature – Author Fav’s

Hello and Happy April Fools Day! In the midst of a project and decided to add a fun new feature to my website.

To bring a smile to readers and visitors.

Author Favorites

As part of this new feature I will be sharing some of my favorite scenes from various books.

Adding color commentary.

For the inaugural post I’m sharing a scene from Shadow of the Gods.

Note:  For this scene I put myself in the mind of Mica – the line she’s walking – being in love with a shape shifter – having to hide this from her family.

How many of us have had to hide the one they were with from those who might not understand?

– and the funny and sometimes maddening situations she’s put in because of it.

It’s not like she can say “Hey, mom, dad…guess who’s coming to dinner …?”

Without further ado…

She is Mica

She chatted with the West Coast raven shifter for a few more minutes before hanging up and resuming her pacing.  Too much going through her mind.  Too much loose energy and damn if academics no longer served as a conduit for discharging it.


She whirled.  It was no mystery she hadn’t heard him but she couldn’t help wondering how long he’d been there watching her.  “Hello, Cayden.”  She stepped over to the window and into his embrace.  He’d just opened his mouth to her when the door to her bedroom was thrown open.

Mica spun around.  “Joe.”

For several moments her brother stared.  “Tell me you weren’t just kissing a bird.”

It was all she could do not to laugh.

“It was like that Stevie Nicks album cover, right?  But you weren’t kissing it.”

“What do you need, Joe?”

Cradle of Love – A Study in EMF Sensitivity

A child** of the 80s I recently decided to revisit Billy Idol’s Cradle of Love video.

A classic.

An interesting factoid came to the cosmic surface.

Factoid – fun.

It sounded more pleasing through the Youtube video.

Note:  Engineer Derek Gauger (author of the Foreward to my book Riding the Waves) once tried to explain the sometimes painful audio experiences I had listening to digital – especially satellite music – was due to compression ratio.

When I listen to satellite radio I hear a high-pitched (awful/painful) squeal and any male singer sounds as if he’s wearing his Speedos too tight.  Needless to say I’m not a fan.

Fiction V Nonfiction.

Though I’m working on a Dragon Core project I never miss the opportunity to learn.

Especially when it comes to EMF Sensitivity.

Something was niggling at the back of my mind.

An EMF something.

Donning a cherished Christmas gift 

Headphones from Grado Labs.

I compared listening to the same song via Youtube video V Apple Music.

Apple doesn’t offer the music video which would have offered me an apples to – no pun intended – apples comparison.

Note:  Every time I read “remastered” when searching for music I want to puke.

I cut my own casettes from album so don’t go there.

What I concluded is the Billy Idol video is far less painful – audially – than any remastered whatever.

I guarantee it has to do with that EMF context that gets caught up in the audio compression rate soup.


At this point?  Doest it matter?***   What I do know is I  won’t be downloading the mp3 anytime soon.

Given the video isn’t available for purchase I suppose I can play it in the background while working on Messenger of the Gods.

Audially?  I bow to no one.

Not when it comes it listening quality.  

** I was not a “child” then

*** Neil Young and his Pono project do.

I Get Every Season – But Why Now?

Growing up with Hippie parents – not to mention LIVING through some of the times in question – child that I was – gives a unique perspective on life.

The gift that keeps on giving.

To Every Season

Turn Turn Turn

Dragon Core

For whatever reason I stumbled when trying to find the vibe for Aesop’s Cove.

The heartbeat of Dragon Core

I wanted – needed – to sit in a place that felt like the Seattle centerpiece of the series. 

To bask in vibes I could wear as I wrote.

No Dice

Damn Goldilocks

Like other Creatives the Muse is in charge

For years I traveled to and visited venues in and around the Seattle Metro Area

Dive bars, places that landed in one periodical or another…

Disrupting various lives – including my own – in search of the physical embodiment of of what I lived while writing those scenes.

Like I said – the Muse is in charge.

Turn turn turn

Unable to find the right locale [read vibe] I forged a way through a path of pain and uncertainty.

I couldn’t write until I had the soul pieces in place.

Muse again ya?

Turn turn turn

Enter Covid

The path forced me to take a break.

Or was it the Muse?

Turn turn turn

And so it came to pass that while I healed the world healed and – changed.

The one constant right?

One day I ventured to a place I’d been to but never thought of as a possibility for the Aesop’s Cove vibe.  Lo and behold they’d evolved and the locale was now a solid physical option to wrap myself in the vibe.

Weirdly Enough

On the other side of the post Covid energy evolution …

I stopped by the place that had been a place holder for Aesop’s Cove only to find I no longer connected to it.

Still wrestling with that and what it means

Circle Back

A tool I use in my writing

Years ago I asked an engineer friend of mine living in A2 whether – when we move – do we change or does what we left behind change?  His answer?  Both

Which at the time was totally irritating.

I now understand what my friend was trying to convey.

Relativity revisited.

I couldn’t find my Aesop’s Cove before now because not only did the place not exist I was not ready; something the theory of relativity explains perfectly.

Thanks G3!

And so life happens.

When and as we need it.

Old (Working) Habits Die Hard

Decided to head to a local place to do a bit of a working lunch.

In addition to good food and good service it has a good vibe.


I wasn’t anticipating that the moment I stepped through the door I would be invited to sit near someone already there.  After a brief reflection – I’d planned on working – I decided perhaps the Universe was sending a message:  Don’t work through lunch – enjoy it.

The patron was a delightful conversationalist.

He left before my lunch arrived.

In his absence I got quite a bit accomplished toward the current project

Messenger of the Gods, a Dragon Core novel.

As I ate I considered the break in an activity I’d been doing since elementary school

Working Lunch

It was the nuns who first suggested we utilize time eating to study or otherwise do schoolwork, going so far as to suggest we learn to eat with our nondominant hand while writing with the other.

Forgoing time outdoors to focus on studies whenever possible.

Long after I left Catholic school I continued the tradition of working through lunch.

Corporate = Right At Home

In some respects corporate success depends on the ability to work through lunch.

I don’t mean lunch meetings.  

Many were the months spent working alongside fellow techies catching up or getting a head start, to the degree it was not only the norm, it was expected.

As were working nights and weekends.

If you wanted a Meets or Exceeds Standards on your review.

When considered in this context I realized that while I enjoyed the break, albeit a temporary one, to try to change such a habit would be to go against something I’ve done for decades.

Probably not worth the energy it would take to undo decades of programming.

Begs the Question

Does it Need to be Changed?

If I thought – or got feedback – the practice was harmful I would definitely be looking to change but given stepping out to a different environment has been tremendously beneficial to my well-being and my career, I have to think that in general, it’s not a bad habit.

One thing I know.  Spontaneity is never dull.

Valentine’s Thank You

Just taking time to wish readers and visitors a Happy Valentine’s Day and to thank you for all the wonderful support you’ve given over the years.

I feel very fortunate to have had lifelong support for my dream of being a novelist

  • Family

Especially my parents and grandparents

  • Neighbors

Who encouraged my love of reading as well as writing and were ready to discuss books 

  • Teachers

Math and science teachers who took time to discuss universal what-ifs? and others who advised me on how to do proper research or just gave encouragement 

  • Classmates

Including those who weren’t close friends but who were quick with an encouraging word

  • Coworkers 

Some of whom were also aspiring writers and who never tired of listening to me talk of my dream

  • Readers

Without whom this wouldn’t be possible

I hope everyone has a wonderful day!


Project Update

Hello everyone!  Wanted to provide a quick update on various projects.

After much consideration I’ve decided to decomission Metatron’s Army.  

For details including an audio message from me, click here.

I will be releasing new material in both my Dragon Core and Port Gallatan series.

I’m excited about the new projects and anticipate new material being available by or before autumn.

Stay tuned!

Manifesting 101: Feelings

As I sat down  for a working lunch – having just arranged my laptop and other related tools –  I spared a moment to ponder a familiar feeling .  What makes it noteworthy is it’s a feeling I haven’t experienced in some time.

In a locale over a thousand miles away.

As I pondered further I considered I was finally getting a concept related to more recent treatise on manifesting

Drawing on emotion to enhance efforts.

The idea is that if you can “refeel” positive emotions it will put you in a frame of being that will draw a goal that elicits – once achieved – an equally positive one.  There’s a catch.

Manifesting in Reverse?

Confusion quickly set in because the feeling – good as it is – isn’t one I associate with this geography.

Yes the location I’m workingat has a good vibe but it’s a far cry in numerous ways from the other locale.

One thing I can’t argue with is the fact I really was feeling the feeling from years ago in a place far away.  

It dawned on me:  What I wanted – was trying to manifest – was what I got.

That wonderful feeling.

As opposed to the location.

I didn’t see the difference bbefore now ecause I associated the feeling with a specific location and it’s a feeling I haven’t experienced anywhere else. prior to recent times

So recent I didn’t even put two and two together until today.

I always assumed it was a feeling unique to the far away locale

Especially given each and every time I visit the feeling returns – pretty instantaneously.

Quickly reviewing the manifestation goal tied to this feeling I realized I really had – perhaps unconsciously – fixated on a feeling rather than an image of the location associated with the feeling.  

Something to Work With

So says the Universe

It made me realize I got what I was trying to manifest.

A feeling associated with a time and a place.

What You Wish For

Doesn’t that suggest I really wanted the location associated with the feeling?

Maybe – but…

I can apply all sorts of hindsight as to why it’s better I didn’t get that place.  In the end?  I now understand – taking all factors into consideration – the Universe- in its infinite wisdom – works perfectly to help you achieve your goals if you zero in on the specific why – emotionally – you want it.

Bonus:  The Universe only responds to positive emotions and works for the best outcome for all involved.

You don’t have to worry about the details.

Revel in the feeling.

Your goals await.