Though originally developed to help take emotion out of the decision making process. the Event Horizon app has proven an effective tool for

  • Stirring Creativity
  • Self-Guided Meditation
  • Activating Psi
  • Transforming Chaos into Control

What’s in a name?

By one definition Event Horizon means no turning back.  This is an apt description because once you start down the path this app will put you on there is no going back.  The more you use the app the further along you get the more potential to witness transformation in your life.

The App has 2 paths


This feature of the Event Horizon app releases blocks to the creative process.  In guiding focus to a randomly generated prompt the brain is freed up from the energetic chatter of everyday life.  Free of this energy sucking and often obsessive creative energy drain, the distraction of refocusing allows the calmer creative spirit that guides imagination to find a voice and be heard.


Helps reduce the mental and emotional noise that can hinder decision-making and cause creativity and productivity blocks.

The Journey is the Reward

Each time you use Event Horizon you unlock knowledge, perspective.  Though the app is designed to help the user gain clarity regarding a specific subject the information gained will shine a light on the unconscious mind at work giving the user a glimpse into their personal decision-making process.  Repeated use of the app over time will allow the user to see how that process evolves as a result of how they apply what they learn from using it.

To Each His Own

Generally, decisions aren’t made in a vacuum and it can be helpful to discuss sessions with a friend or trusted advisor.  However, the app is meant to help the user specifically. Repeated use enables the user to tailor the tool to their needs.   It is not meant to be used as a divination tool.  Rather it provides information and perspective tailored to the user.

Stirring Creativity

Activating Psi

Self-Guided Meditation

Transforming Chaos into Control


Any tips for interpreting?  There are two parts to interpreting the results of a session

  • Learning to tune into what the information means to you specifically
  • What you do with the information once you have it

When writing interpretation notes, put down what you believe is going on.  Comparing the three prompts for each topic or question collectively will allow you to see a more holistic perspective and enable you to identify patterns.

Session results are unique to the user.  If you share the results with another and they have a different interpretation try not to let them talk you out of yours. Don’t hesitate to push back.  Sometimes hearing someone else’s interpretation can be validating as you feel immediate agreement or immediate resistance to what they say.

Can I do a session for someone else?  Event Horizon is not designed to have someone do a session for another.  For best results, the user should go through the exercises themselves.

What if I’m not feeling well or am upset or angry?  It is okay to use Event Horizon even when not feeling your best.  You may feel as if you are coloring your own answers with bias but that isn’t the case.  I’ve found I always get solid results from a session even if I do one when not feeling great.

What if I don’t need information?  If you’re getting a feeling to do a session, consider doing it even if you don’t have any particular question in mind.  There have been times when I had a feeling I should do a session even though I didn’t have anything specific I needed to know about.  Since I always learn something of value I’ve found it’s worth the time and effort.

What if I have to stop while in the middle?  I’ve never had a problem stopping in the middle of a session for 

  • short breaks

bathroom, eating a meal, or stopping to talk with someone who has a question

  • long breaks 

needing to pick up hours later or even the next day.  

If you have to stop for more than one day you may want to restart the session from scratch with new prompts.

If you need to stop in the middle of a prompt response, simply set it aside and return when you are able.  Don’t feel pressured to pick up where you left off.  Just start writing what comes to mind when you return.

How long or short should the answers be?  As long as they need to be.  I’ve had some that were a couple of sentences and others that filled up pages and pages.  Just start writing and keep going until you feel it’s time to stop.  

What if I lose my train of thought?  This is similar to what happens during meditation, a common occurrence known as the monkey mind.  Allow it to happen then return to the writing when you are able.  

If it happens repeatedly it may not be the ideal time to try to work on the session.  You may be too tired or too distracted to do it justice.  Consider whether it’s worthwhile to continue or if you should return at a later time.

What if nothing associated with the prompt comes to me?  Don’t worry if the prompt says one thing but the first thing that comes to mind has nothing to do with it.  It has still accomplished the point.  Write what comes to mind.  Write until you feel it’s time to stop.

What if I can’t think of a specific question?  My suggestion here is to use a word or even a phrase that is in line with the topic you are seeking to gain clarity about.  I admit I have better luck when I ask a specific question but I also get good information when only using a term related to the subject.  For instance, saying career instead of asking What is my best career path?

Privacy statement: Event Horizon does not gather nor collect any personal data.